Optical frames Wholesale in Mumbai

Optical frames Wholesale in Mumbai
Optical frames Wholesale in Mumbai

Monday 2 June 2014

Housing Plot is a Must But you must be aware of the detailed knowledge of many aspects

NOW A DAYS, DUE TO URBANIZATION, people migrate from the villages to the cities. As there is no adequate employment opportunities in the local areas, many people are forced to settle in the towns.  

In many areas agricultural lands have been converted into house plots.  If we plan to buy a constructed house, we have to see if it is constructed in compliance with the rules and regulations of the respective local administrative bodies.  If we confirm it, we won’t experience any problems.

Prior Sanction

All the lay-outs, whether it is in the panchayat area or the e municipal area, it should have been informed to the respective authorities and got proper sanction from the authorities.  To get proper sanction for the lay-outs, the house size should be 1500 square feet and the breath of the roads should be of minimum 23 feet.  For reselling, the house should be of 1200 square feet
If the length of the road is lesser than 120 feet, the breath of the road should of minimum 23 feet.  If the length of the road is between 120 to 200 feet, the breath should be of minimum 30 feet.  If the length of the road is between 200 to 500 feet, the breath should be of minimum 40 feet.

Provision for roads and Welfare Centers 

In the panchayat areas, the panchayat president has the sole authority to grant approval and sanction.  There should be adequate provisions for roads, parks, play grounds, community centers, and shops in the lay-outs and then only one should be able to get approval and sanction from the concerned authorities.

Donation of areas for the welfare Centers   

The promoter is required to donate the  areas fixed for roads, parks, play grounds, community centers, schools, and shops to the panchayat recordically  so that , the panchayat can later sell those areas to the interested people for the construction of the above mentioned projects.  The fact to be emphasized is,   that the welfare projects should be established only in accordance with the prefixed plans.

Think before leap 

If adequate shops already have been developed in that areas, the places   allotted for the construction can be replaced with housing areas. In many places, the house construction is denied due to the decrease in the size of the houses to 300 to 400 square feet.  More over if the breath of the road is decreased to 10 to 12 feet, it will be difficult to get sanction for the construction of houses

Advanced Planning

Present panchayat areas may be changed into town panchayat or municipal areas very shortly and in that case if it fails to fulfill the required terms and conditions, it may be difficult to get proper sanction.  Hence if you buy land for business purpose or personal purpose, you should see if the breath of the road is minimum 23 feet and the size of the house ploat is between 1200 to 1500 square feet.

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