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Optical frames Wholesale in Mumbai
Optical frames Wholesale in Mumbai

Friday 13 June 2014


PILES – Is it one of the Major diseases?

Now a days, in this fast world, due to improper food habits, people tend to develop several diseases.  One among them is “Piles”.  It occurs mainly because of the “high pressure” given to the ‘Rectum’, consequently the ‘Rectum’ may swell or bulge.  Inflammation in the veins (Hemorrhoids) occurs resulting a series symptoms such as

  1. Development of hard lump around the anus
  2. Exit of blood or mucus after a bowel movement
  3. Presence of pain during bowel movement.
  4. Development of uncomfortable feeling and irritation after bowel movement,

The stages of internal hemorrhoids can be listed into four stages.

Stage 1: can be called as the primary stage in which, there develops non visible minute inflammations inside the lining of anus.

Stage 2: is the secondary stage in which minute projections are projected, and it may result pain during defecating. These projections may be returned back.

Stage 3: the tertiary stage is the significant one in which minute bulges or projections occur outside the anus, resulting much uncomfort and pain.  These projections can be pushed inside when the patients press with their fingers.

Stage 4: the final stage results the condition in which the protruded elements can’t be pushed back and the patient needs a doctor for the treatment.  These are larger enough to create a lot of discomfort to the patients and it may need surgical intervention.


It mainly occurs due to CHRONIC CONSTIPATION, DIARRHEA, OR OVER-STRAINING during defecating.  It may occur due to pregnancy or lifting a heavy object.


  1. Avoid over-staring during defecating and it is better to avoid Laxatives.
  2. It is always good to perform regular moderate exercises
  3. If the patient is over weighed, try to reduce weights
  4. Avoid constipation by eating fiber—rich food stuffs such as green Vegetables, fruits and bran-contented food items.
  5. Drink plenty of water
  6. Deworm your digestive system regularly.
  7. It is better to avoid BRAN-FREE FAST FOOD STUFFS
  8. Don’t sit at a particular place always.  Stand up for a while and move a little.  
  9. It is always better to consult a doctor and take proper medical treatment if affected.
  10. Don’t delay and try to nip it in the bud itself

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